Black Greek Olives

by Alexandra's Photography
Black Greek Olives
Alexandra's Photography
Photograph - Food Photography
All olives start green and pass through shades of brown, reddish-purple, and black. The color of the olive is an indication of how ripe the olive was when harvested. The riper the olive, the darker in color it will be. Ripeness also affects the flavor and texture of the olive. In Greece, wrinkled black olives are the throubes variety. Throubes are the only olives that can be eaten directly from the tree. The meaty fruits have a strong olive taste. Favorite ways to serve them are with patatosalata (Greek potato salad), or drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with oregano.
Source: The Spruce
This photo was taken in Greece - 2012
NIKON Coolpix
f/ 5.3
1/800 sec.
ISO - 160
JPG/ 5.57 MB
March 15th, 2020